Air Quality and COVID-19

An exploration of how the atmosphere responded to wide spread government shutdowns and sudden change in human behavior.

Kathryn Berger


April 12, 2023

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  1. Identify available dates and temporal frequency of observations for a given collection - NO₂
  2. Pass the STAC item into raster API /stac/tilejson.json endpoint
  3. We’ll visualize two tiles (side-by-side) allowing for comparison of each of the time points using folium.plugins.DualMap

About the Data

This dataset is of monthly nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) levels values across the globe. Darker colors indicate higher NO₂ levels and more activity. Lighter colors indicate lower levels of NO₂ and less activity. Missing pixels indicate areas of no data most likely associated with cloud cover or snow.

The Case Study - Air Quality and COVID-19

In this notebook, we’ll walk through the development of side-by-side comparisons of NO₂ levels before and after government lockdowns as demonstrated Seeing Rebounds in NO₂ in this VEDA Discovery story: Air Quality and COVID-19 available on the VEDA Dashboard.

Querying the STAC API

import requests
from folium import Map, TileLayer
# Provide STAC and RASTER API endpoints

# Declare collection of interest - Nitrogen Oxide
collection_name = "no2-monthly"
#Fetch STAC collection
collection = requests.get(f"{STAC_API_URL}/collections/{collection_name}").json()
{'id': 'no2-monthly',
 'type': 'Collection',
 'links': [{'rel': 'items',
   'type': 'application/geo+json',
   'href': ''},
  {'rel': 'parent',
   'type': 'application/json',
   'href': ''},
  {'rel': 'root',
   'type': 'application/json',
   'href': ''},
  {'rel': 'self',
   'type': 'application/json',
   'href': ''}],
 'title': 'NO₂',
 'assets': {'thumbnail': {'href': '',
   'type': 'image/jpeg',
   'roles': ['thumbnail'],
   'title': 'Thumbnail',
   'description': 'Photo by [Mick Truyts]( (Power plant shooting steam at the sky)'}},
 'extent': {'spatial': {'bbox': [[-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0]]},
  'temporal': {'interval': [['2016-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
 'license': 'MIT',
 'renders': {'dashboard': {'bidx': [1],
   'title': 'VEDA Dashboard Render Parameters',
   'assets': ['cog_default'],
   'rescale': [[0, 15000000000000000]],
   'resampling': 'bilinear',
   'color_formula': 'gamma r 1.05',
   'colormap_name': 'rdbu_r'}},
 'providers': [{'url': '',
   'name': 'NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center',
   'roles': ['producer', 'processor']},
  {'url': '',
   'name': 'NASA VEDA',
   'roles': ['host']}],
 'summaries': {'datetime': ['2016-01-01T00:00:00Z', '2023-09-30T00:00:00Z']},
 'description': 'Darker colors indicate higher nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) levels and more activity. Lighter colors indicate lower levels of NO₂ and less activity. Missing pixels indicate areas of no data most likely associated with cloud cover or snow.',
 'item_assets': {'cog_default': {'type': 'image/tiff; application=geotiff; profile=cloud-optimized',
   'roles': ['data', 'layer'],
   'title': 'Default COG Layer',
   'description': 'Cloud optimized default layer to display on map'}},
 'stac_version': '1.0.0',
 'stac_extensions': ['',
 'dashboard:is_periodic': True,
 'dashboard:time_density': 'month'}

Examining the contents of our collection under summaries we see that the data is available from January 2015 to December 2022. By looking at the dashboard:time density we observe that the periodic frequency of these observations is monthly.

# Check total number of items available
items = requests.get(f"{STAC_API_URL}/collections/{collection_name}/items?limit=100").json()["features"]
print(f"Found {len(items)} items")
Found 93 items

This makes sense as there are 7 years between 2016 - 2022, with 12 months per year, meaning 84 records in total.

Below, we’ll provide the max range of values to apply to visualizations of all items in the collection (rescale_values).

rescale_values = {
    "max": 50064805976866816,
    "min": -1018382487283302

Seeing Rebounds in NO₂

Air pollutants with short lifespans, like NO₂, decreased dramatically with COVID-related shutdowns in the spring of 2020 (see lefthand side map). As the world began to re-open and mobility restrictions eased, travel increased and alongside it NO₂ pollutants. Air quality levels are now returning to pre-pandemic levels (see righthand side map).

Scroll and zoom within the maps below, the side-by-side comparison will follow wherever you explore. Darker purples indicate higher NO₂ levels and more activity. Lighter blues indicate lower levels of NO₂ and less activity.

# We'll import folium to map and folium.plugins to allow mapping side-by-side
import folium
import folium.plugins

# Set initial zoom and map for NO2 Layer
m = folium.plugins.DualMap(location=(33.6901, 118.9325), zoom_start=5)

# February 2020
map_layer_2020 = TileLayer(

# February 2022
map_layer_2022 = TileLayer(

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook


In this case study we have successfully visualized how NASA monitors NO₂ emissions from space. By showcasing lockdown (February 2020) and post-lockdown (February 2022) snapshots of air quality side-by-side, we demonstrate how quickly atmospheric NO₂ responds to reductions in emissions and human behavior.