List STAC collections

Programatically list all collections that are available on a particular STAC catalog

Aimee Barciauskas, Julia Signell


May 1, 2023

Run this notebook

You can launch this notbook using mybinder, by clicking the button below.



  1. Use pystac_client to open the STAC catalog
  2. Iterate over collections and print the title of each collection

Open STAC catalog

from pystac_client import Client

catalog =

List collections

collections = list(catalog.get_collections())
for collection in sorted(collections, key=lambda x: x.title):

0-100 cm Volumetric Soil Moisture (%)
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)
Annual LAI maps for 2003 and 2021 (Bangladesh)
Annual land cover maps for 2001 and 2020
Black Marble High Definition Nightlights 1 band Dataset
Black Marble High Definition Nightlights Monthly Dataset
Burn Area Reflectance Classification for Thomas Fire
CMIP6 Daily GISS-E2-1-G TAS Kerchunk (DEMO)
CO₂ (Avg)
CO₂ (Diff)
Caldor Fire Behavior
Caldor Fire Burn Severity
Camp Fire Domain: Land Cover
Camp Fire Domain: MODIS LST Day Difference
Camp Fire Domain: MODIS LST Night Difference
Camp Fire Domain: MODIS NDVI Difference
Camp Fire Domain: MODIS WSA Albedo Difference
Change in ET for 2020 fires using LIS outputs
Change in transpiration for 2020 fires using LIS outputs
Damage Probability Derived from UCONN GERs Lab After Hurricane Ian
ECCO sea-surface height change from 1992 to 2017
EMIT Landfill Plumes
Evapotranspiration - LIS 10km Global DA
FLDAS Surface Soil Moisture Anomalies
False Color Pre and Post Flood
Fire Perimeters
GEOGLAM Crop Monitor
GPM IMERG data of 2023 Medicane Daniel
GRDI BUILT Constituent Raster
GRDI CDR Constituent Raster
GRDI Filled Missing Values Count
GRDI IMR Constituent Raster
GRDI SHDI Constituent Raster
GRDI V1 raster
GRDI VNL Constituent Raster
GRDI VNL Slope Constituent Raster
Global TWS Non-Stationarity Index
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Abandoned Coal Mines
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Composting
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Domestic Wastewater Treatment
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Enteric Fermentation
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Ferroalloy Production
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Field Burning
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Field Burning (monthly)
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Forest Fires
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Forest Fires (daily)
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Industrial Landfills
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Manure Management
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Manure Management (monthly)
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Mobile Combustion
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Municipal Landfills
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Natural Gas Distribution
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Natural Gas Processing
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Natural Gas Production
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Natural Gas Production (monthly)
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Natural Gas Transmission
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Petrochemical Production
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Petroleum
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Petroleum (monthly)
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Rice Cultivation
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Rice Cultivation (monthly)
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Stationary Combustion
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Stationary Combustion (monthly)
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Surface Coal Mines
Gridded 2012 EPA Methane Emissions - Underground Coal Mines
Gridded Daily OCO-2 Carbon Dioxide assimilated dataset
Gross Primary Productivity - LIS 10km Global DA
Gross Primary Productivity Trend - LIS 10km Global DA
Groundwater Storage - LIS 10km Global DA
HLS SWIR FalseColor Composite
HLS-calculated BAIS2 burned area
HLS-derived NDVI difference for Assessing Impacts from Hurricane Iann
HLS-derived entropy difference for Assessing impacts from Hurricane Ian
HLSL30.002 Environmental Justice Events
HLSS30.002 Environmental Justice Events
Houston AOD: Difference Between 2000-2009 & 2010-2019
Houston LST (Diff)
Houston Land Cover
Houston NDVI: decadal average
Houston land surface temperature at night time - decadal average
Houston land surface temperature during daytime - decadal average
Hurricane Ida - Blue Tarps PlanetScope Image
Hurricane Ida - Detected Blue Tarps
ICESat-2 L4 Monthly Gridded Sea Ice Thickness (COGs)
Landsat 8 Nighttime Thermal Imagery
MTBS Burn Severity
Maximum Fire Radiative Power for Thomas Fire
NCEO Africa Aboveground Woody Biomass 2017
NO₂ (Diff)
New Urbanization from 2001-2019 (NLCD)
Normalized difference vegetation index from HLS
OMI/Aura Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Total Column L3 1 day Best Pixel in 0.25 degree x 0.25 degree V3 as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs)
OMI_trno2 - 0.10 x 0.10 Annual as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs)
Population Density Maps using satellite imagery built by Meta
Projected changes to winter (January, February, and March) average daily air temperature
Projected changes to winter (January, February, and March) average daily air temperature
Projected changes to winter (January, February, and March) cumulative daily precipitation
Projected changes to winter (January, February, and March) cumulative daily precipitation
Projections of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) - SSP2-4.5
Projections of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) - SSP5-8.5
Projections of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Losses - SSP2-4.5
Projections of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Losses - SSP5-8.5
Recovery Proxy Maps
Selected Landsat 7 through 9 Surface Reflectance Scenes for Lake Balaton
Selected Landsat 7 through 9 Surface Reflectance Scenes for Lake Biwa
Selected Landsat 7 through 9 Surface Reflectance Scenes for Tonlé Sap
Selected Landsat 7 through 9 Surface Reflectance Scenes for Vänern
Selected Landsat 7 through 9 Surface Reflectance Scenes for the Aral Sea
Selected Landsat 7 through 9 Surface Reflectance Scenes for the Pine Island Glacier
Selected Landsat 7 through 9 Surface Reflectance Scenes for the Thwaites Glacier
Slowdown Proxy Maps
Snow Water Equivalent - LIS 10km Global DA
Social Vulnerability Index (Household)
Social Vulnerability Index (Household) (Masked)
Social Vulnerability Index (Housing)
Social Vulnerability Index (Housing) (Masked)
Social Vulnerability Index (Minority)
Social Vulnerability Index (Minority) (Masked)
Social Vulnerability Index (Overall)
Social Vulnerability Index (Overall) (Masked)
Social Vulnerability Index (SocioEconomic)
Social Vulnerability Index (SocioEconomic) (Masked)
Stream network across the Contiguous United States
Streamflow - LIS 10km Global DA
Subsurface Runoff - LIS 10km Global DA
Surface runoff - LIS 10km Global DA
Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) Anomalies
Terrestrial Water Storage - LIS 10km Global DA
Terrestrial Water Storage Trend - LIS 10km Global DA
Togo Agriculture
Total Precipitation - LIS 10km Global DA
Trend in Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) Anomalies

Alternate approachs

Instead of exploring STAC catalog programatically, you can discover available collections the following ways:

  • STAC Browser: