Catalog Ingestion

How to load metadata with our STAC API

STEP III: Create dataset definitions

The next step is to divide all the data into logical collections. A collection is basically what it sounds like, a collection of data files that share the same properties like, the data it’s measuring, the periodicity, the spatial region, etc. For example, current VEDA datasets like no2-mean and no2-diff should be two different collections, because one measures the mean levels of nitrogen dioxide and the other the differences in observed levels. Likewise, datasets like no2-monthly and no2-yearly should be different because the periodicity is different.

Once you have logically grouped the datasets into collections, you will need to create dataset definitions for each of these collections. The data definition is a json file that contains some metadata of the dataset and information on how to discover these datasets in the s3 bucket. An example is shown below:


  "collection": "lis-global-da-evap",
  "title": "Evapotranspiration - LIS 10km Global DA",
  "description": "Gridded total evapotranspiration (in kg m-2 s-1) from 10km global LIS with assimilation",
  "license": "CC0-1.0",
  "is_periodic": true,
  "time_density": "day",
  "spatial_extent": {
    "xmin": -179.95,
    "ymin": -59.45,
    "xmax": 179.95,
    "ymax": 83.55
  "temporal_extent": {
    "startdate": "2002-08-02T00:00:00Z",
    "enddate": "2021-12-01T00:00:00Z"
  "sample_files": [
  "discovery_items": [
      "dry_run": false,
      "prefix": "EIS/COG/LIS_GLOBAL_DA/Evap/",
      "bucket": "veda-data-store-staging",
      "filename_regex": "(.*)LIS_Evap_(.*).tif$",
      "datetime_range": "day"
Click to show field descriptions

The following table describes what each of these fields mean:

field description allowed value example
collection the id of the collection lowercase letters with optional “-” delimeters no2-monthly-avg
title a short human readable title for the collection string with 5-6 words “Average NO2 measurements (Monthly)”
description a detailed description for the dataset should include what the data is, what sensor was used to measure, where the data was pulled/derived from, etc
license license for data use; Default open license: CC0-1.0 SPDX license id CC0-1.0
is_periodic is the data periodic? specifies if the data files repeat at a uniform time interval true | false true
time_density the time step in which we want to navigate the dataset in the dashboard year | month | day | hour | minute | null
spatial_extent the spatial extent of the collection; a bounding box that includes all the data files in the collection {"xmin": -180, "ymin": -90, "xmax": 180, "ymax": 90}
spatial_extent["xmin"] left x coordinate of the spatial extent bounding box -180 <= xmin <= 180; xmin < xmax 23
spatial_extent["ymin"] bottom y coordinate of the spatial extent bounding box -90 <= ymin <= 90; ymin < ymax -40
spatial_extent["xmax"] right x coordinate of the spatial extent bounding box -180 <= xmax <= 180; xmax > xmin 150
spatial_extent["ymax"] top y coordinate of the spatial extent bounding box -90 <= ymax <= 90; ymax > ymin 40
temporal_extent temporal extent that covers all the data files in the collection {"start_date": "2002-08-02T00:00:00Z", "end_date": "2021-12-01T00:00:00Z"}
temporal_extent["start_date"] the start_date of the dataset iso datetime that ends in Z 2002-08-02T00:00:00Z
temporal_extent["end_date"] the end_date of the dataset iso datetime that ends in Z 2021-12-01T00:00:00Z
sample_files a list of s3 urls for the sample files that go into the collection [ "s3://veda-data-store-staging/no2-diff/no2-diff_201506.tif", "s3://veda-data-store-staging/no2-diff/no2-diff_201507.tif"]
discovery_items["discovery"] where to discover the data from; currently supported are s3 buckets and cmr s3 | cmr s3
discovery_items["cogify"] does the file need to be converted to a cloud optimized geptiff (COG)? false if it is already a COG true | false false
discovery_items["upload"] does it need to be uploaded to the veda s3 bucket? false if it already exists in veda-data-store-staging true | false false
discovery_items["dry_run"] if set to true, the items will go through the pipeline, but won’t actually publish to the stac catalog; useful for testing purposes true | false false
discovery_items["bucket"] the s3 bucket where the data is uploaded to any bucket that the data pipelines has access to veda-data-store-staging | climatedashboard-data | {any-public-bucket}
discovery_items["prefix"] within the s3 bucket, the prefix or path to the “folder” where the data files exist any valid path winthin the bucket EIS/COG/LIS_GLOBAL_DA/Evap/
discovery_items["filename_regex"] a common filename pattern that all the files in the collection follow a valid regex expression (.*)LIS_Evap_(.*).cog.tif$
discovery_items["datetime_range"] based on the naming convention in STEP I, the datetime range to be extracted from the filename year | month | day year

Note: If you are unable to complete the following steps or have a new type of data that does not work with the example docs, open an issue in the veda-data GitHub repository.

STEP IV: Publication

The publication process involves 3 steps:

  1. [VEDA] Publishing to the staging STAC catalog
  2. [EIS] Reviewing the collection/items published to the dev STAC catalog
  3. [VEDA] Publishing to the production STAC catalog by submitting the configuration you just created in a pull request to the veda-data repo.

To use the VEDA Workflows API to schedule ingestion/publication of the data follow these steps:

Prerequisite: obtain credentials from a VEDA team member

Ask a VEDA team member to create Cognito credentials (username and password) for VEDA authentication.

Sign in to the workflows API docs using your credentials

Open the workflows API at in a second browser tab and click the green authorize button at the upper right to authenticate your session with your username and password (you will be temporarily redirected to a login widget and then back to the workflows-api docs).


After creating your dataset definition, copy the printed json and paste it into the /dataset/validate input in the workflows-api docs page in the second tab. Note that if you navigate away from this page you will need to click authorize again.

Choose POST dataset/validate in the Dataset section of the workflows-api docs. Click ’Try it Out` and paste your json into the Request body and then Execute

If the json is valid, the response will confirm that it is ready to be published on the VEDA Platform.


Now that you have validated your dataset, you can initiate a workflow and publish the dataset to the VEDA Platform.

Choose POST dataset/publish in the Dataset section of the workflows-api docs. Click ’Try it Out` and paste your json into the Request body and then Execute

On success, you will recieve a success message containing the id of your workflow, for example

{"message":"Successfully published collection: geoglam. 1  workflows initiated.","workflows_ids":["db6a2097-3e4c-45a3-a772-0c11e6da8b44"]}